Somebody recently said to me: “Oh yeah, Caress is about pleasure.” She had never attended a Caress session. The energy of her expression has me wondering if I misidentified the offering in our clever tagline: It’s a business doing pleasure with you. Of course the tagline is a play on the common greeting: It’s a pleasure doing business with you.

Yes; Caress is a business doing pleasure. & yes, it’s a pleasure doing/being this business. For me, it’s also about eroticism, healing, presence, consciousness, & communion with me & my body in a community of other practitioners.

I get to explore my body & my clitoris, independently, while giving & receiving support from others. Through the practice, especially the consecutive daily offerings we sometimes provide, I have experienced profound & lasting joy, a sense of being in love with myself, & a resounding sense of relaxation. I found myself skipping down the street during a recent 30-consecutive-day offering.  

“That’s the best promotion I’ve ever heard,” a new Caress practitioner said when I told her about being in love with myself.

Yes, pleasure, & something beyond pleasure that I cannot totally define or describe in words … A sense of well-being … A sense of ease … a sense that I’ve got myself covered, regardless of circumstance … a knowing that I arrive at Caress in any state & in an hour, I will encounter insight, transformation, & a deepened capacity for receiving than I’ve ever previously experienced. Knowing that I have my own back enables me to trust that the universe, multiverse, omniverse has my back too.

Somehow the woman’s comment seemed flip, like Caress is only about pleasure or that pleasure is only about frivolity. For me, Caress has changed me, my body, my encounters with others, my ability to receive, my orgasm, sex, & income. Caress has given me a confidence in my own touch & my own adoration that I used to desperately & unsuccessfully seek in romantic partners. 

I remember getting feedback about gratitude & acknowledgement for self, before we can extend it outwards … that used to be a disappointing awareness. Now I experience it as a gift I can always offer myself. I rely on me. & sometimes I invite others to the party … consider yourself humbly welcomed to the gift of a lifetime.

What if self-touch is not wrong? Yes; many of our religions, upbringings, societies, parents, self-doubts, etc. tell us it is wrong or bad, but what if that’s not true? Come explore for you. Caress.